Supported Organizations

Gandyr Foundation works at strengthening civic social organizations. It has supported hundreds of initiatives, programs and organizations with national spreads since the foundation’s establishment. Organizations supported by Gandyr Foundation operating in the field of social activism focus on young adults, aiming to advance young adults’ participation and involvement, and developing optimal unique solutions for this sector. The foundation supports developing and reinforcing the supported organizations’ infrastructures as well as innovative programs developed by these organizations. Gandyr Foundation holds to the principles of partnership, learning and innovation in all its activities.

Supported Organizations 2024

Ajeec Nisped
Academy for Young Adults Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

The academy is directed at young adults who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) from the Arab society and will last 8-10 months. The program will aim at strengthening the sense of belonging and identity and will provide tools to integrate and persist in the training and employment world.

Tel Aviv Yafo Academic College
Master’s Degree program on Young Adulthood

A Master’s Degree curriculum on Young Adulthood

Desert Stars
The “Huviya” هوية" program (English: Existence, Hebrew: Havaya)

The program develops a combined and consolidated personal, group and community identity among Bedouin young adults and is run in conjunction with Beit Morasha.

MEET - Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow
Young Adults at Front Stage - From Potential to Employment

Advancing Preparation and integrating into employment Arab and Jewish young adults, who struggle to obtain their first role without experience, connections, and networking opportunities,

Ma'ase Center
The Public Leadership Study Center / Personal Accompaniment to a Career

The Public Leadership Study Center
A training program for public service which aims to integrate a multicultural population with emphasis on geosocial peripheries and creating balanced representation of all sectors comprising Israeli society.

Personal Accompaniment to a Career
Accompanying the organization's alumni in decision making junctions which will affect the nature and quality of their education and career. A holistic response to a variety of alumni in different stages with emphasis on professional and personal accompaniment.

Natal - Israeli Trauma Resiliency Center
Young Adults and Employment Initiative

The aim of the initiative is to support young adults with traumatic experiences from their military service and/or acts of terror while they are dealing the the missions of independent adult life. To provide continuous, supportive and encouraging accompaniment during the process of incorporating into the civil society' with emphasis on the employment world and financial independence.

Intergrating underrepresented populations intothe Israeli High-tech industry

Place-IL initiative empowers Israeli tech companies to effectively hire talent from underrepresented populations, at scale and with minimal risk.
Founded by leaders in the Israeli tech ecosystem who recognized plenty of potential talent that is being missed, and are committed to unlock it by developing an innovative approach.
Together with Google as the founding partner who has shared the vision from the start, Place-IL brings the leading Israeli tech companies from all sectors, with NGOs from across Israel society, to open opportunities for everyone and enable companies to find the exact tech talent they need.

Expansion and development of “Under the Radar”

The first communication body in Israel that is operated by and for young adults to create democratic communication on social networks

The Edmond de Rothschild Partnerships
Employment and Placement in the Alumni network / Link 20

Employment and Placement in the Alumni network
Creating an accompaniment array to the alumni of the partnerships, who grew in the social and geographic periphery, building their employment strength.

Link 20
A network of young adults with and without disabilities, which aims to promote equality, diversity and the rights of people with disabilities, through the strengthening of digital leadership, networking of young adults to promote common goals and activities to change public awareness through social media.

Organizational Infrastructure Development 2023-2024

Support of infrastructure development
Ajeec Nisped
Support of infrastructure development
Orr Shalom
Support of infrastructure development
Aharai! (Follow me!) Youth Leading Change
Support of infrastructure development
IGY – Israel Gay Youth
Support of infrastructure development
Support of infrastructure development
Support of infrastructure development
Yeladim – Fair Chance for Children
Support of infrastructure development
MEET - Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow
Support of infrastructure development
Dror Israel - Foundations for Growth Dror
Support of infrastructure development
Desert Stars
Support of infrastructure development
Tzedek Centers
Support of infrastructure development
Natal - Israeli Trauma Resiliency Center
Support of infrastructure development
Olim Beyahad
Support of infrastructure development
Support of infrastructure development
Amit Laderech (A friend for the path)
Support of infrastructure development
The Edmond de Rothschild Partnerships
Support of infrastructure development